Hoopeston Muli Agency

Service Center, Inc.

How can someone contact the Hoopeston

Multi Agency Service Center?

Call (217) 283-5544 between 9 a.m. and noon and between 1 p.m. weekdays or visit or office at 206 South First Avenue in Hoopeston.

What is the Hoopeston Multi Agency service Center?

It is "your helping Agency." The Hoopeston Multi Agency Service Center is a private, not for profit, social service agency which will answer most of your questions and make referrals when necessary for residents of Northern Vermillion County.

What services does the Multi Agency provide?

Direct services to area residents include;

What other organizations use the Multi Agency as a satellite site?

Other Agencies will come to the Multi Agency with a request from the director.

What kind of asistance can the Multi Agency help provide?

If I tell my name how can I be sure that other people

will not find out about my problem?

The staff at the Hoopeston Multi Agency Service Center will keep all information about you confidential.

Who is eligible for services?

All individuals are eligible for services. Clients and employment are assigned with out regard to race, color, national origin, religion, clients financial capabilities. Services are never denied if a client is unable to pay for agency services. Donations are accepted and welcomed.

Who pays for services at the Multi Agency Service Center?

There is no fee charged for services provided by the agency. However, some agencies working out of our facility do charge according to a sliding schedule based on client's financial capabilities. Services are never denied if a client is unable to pay for agency services.

How is the agency funded?